
Importance of Breakfast

  Breakfast is often called ‘the most important meal of the day’, and for good reason. As the name suggests, breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period. It replenishes your supply of glucose to boost your energy levels and alertness, while also providing other essential nutrients required for good health. Why breakfast is so important When you wake up from your overnight sleep, you may not have eaten for up to 10 hours. Breakfast replenishes the stores of energy and nutrients in your body. Energy The body’s energy source is glucose. Glucose is broken down and absorbed from the carbohydrates you eat. The body stores most of its energy as fat. But your body also stores some glucose as glycogen, most of it in your liver, with smaller amounts in your muscles.  During times of fasting (not eating), such as overnight, the liver breaks down glycogen and releases it into your bloodstream as glucose to keep your blood sugar levels stable. This is especially important for your brain,...

Importance of Fat

Fat is essential for several bodily functions. It is an energy source, and it protects the skeleton and nerves. Fat also makes it possible for other nutrients to do their jobs. However, not all dietary fats are equally beneficial: Saturated and trans fats  can raise cholesterol levels and increase disease risk. Unsaturated fats  support health and may be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. Meats, dairy products, snack foods, and baked goods contain saturated and trans fats. Some sources of unsaturated — healthful — fats include nuts, oils, seeds, and avocados. Fats are classified in a range of ways, depending on their attributes: Fats or fatty acids : These terms can refer to any type of fat, but “fats” usually describes those that are solid at room temperature. Lipids : This can refer to any type, regardless of whether it is liquid or solid. Oils : This can describe any fat that is liquid at room temperature. Animal fats : Among these are butter, cream, and fats in meats, suc...

Importance of water

Is water really important for your body? Yes! According to experts, water is ranked second only to oxygen as essential for life. With more than half of your body weight made of water, you couldn’t survive for more than a few days without it. On the other hand, you can survive without food for weeks Water is very important for your body  • Water is used in every cell of your body. Water travels throughout your body carrying nutrients, oxygen, and wastes to and from your cells and organs. • Water keeps your body cool as part of your body’s temperature regulating system. • Water cushions your joints, and protects your tissues and organs from shock and damage.  • Water acts as a lubricant for your joints, your mouth and digestive system in saliva, and in your nose, throat, eyes, and stomach as part of mucus.  • Water aids in digestion and absorption of food, as well as in the removal of wastes from your body.  • Water also helps you maintain a healthy weight.  Every...

Yoga vs GYM. Which one is better?

Intense weight training or Yoga? This a question that leaves many fitness enthusiasts clueless. If your goal is to get lean, build muscle, and boost your physical and mental performance, both of these are great options. Benefits   of Doing Yoga: Therapeutic and de-stresses the mind and body Easy to pick up for beginners Requires just a yoga mat for practice Improves joint flexibility and mobility Stimulates positive thinking and mental relaxation. Yoga helps with back pain relief Yoga benefits heart health. Numerous studies show yoga’s benefits in arthritis, osteopenia, balance issues, oncology, women’s health, chronic pain and other specialties. Benefits of Weight Training( Gym): Boosts your blood circulation and purges toxins from the blood. Burns plenty of calories and helps you lose weight. Stresses your body and pushes it to perform at higher limits. Keeps you healthy and disciplined and prevents the onset of several medical conditions. Increases Bone Density. Improves Body Co...

10 Effective Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout

Smart, Simple and Effective Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout These tips will surely get you motivated to start with some workout regime for sure! All you need to do is change your strategy and motivate yourself to make your goal to be fit turn into reality. 1. Strategies your fitness goals once again: Just having a goal doesn’t mean you can attain it. If you keep asking yourself, ‘how will I get motivated’, you are already heading towards the wrong direction. You can’t motivate yourself unless you try and hit the taste what it is like to work out in the first place. You need to have a clear goal, just saying you want certain kind of body doesn’t help. Fitness has more to do with a sentiment of achieving overall fitness. Remember it is more than just about losing those extra pounds.  Once you are there, you will feel so much better just in the fact that you make the effort to get there. But first, find your identity. It can be gyming, kick-boxing, Cross fit training, a...

OAuth2 Introduction

OAuth-2 the version 2 of the OAuth protocol (or framework). OAuth2 defines 4 roles : Resource Owner :  Generally yourself/user. Resource Server :  Server hosting protected data (for example Google hosting your profile and personal information). Client :  Application requesting access to a resource server (it can be your PHP website, a Javascript application or a mobile application). Authorization Server : Server issuing access token to the client. This token will be used for the client to request the resource server. This server can be the same as the authorization server (same physical server and same application), and it is often the case. Application Registration Since you want to retrieve data from a resource server using OAuth2, you have to register as a client of the authorization server. Each provider is free to allow this by the method of his choice. The protocol only defines the parameters that must be specifi...