10 Rules for Communicating With Presence and Power

10 Things to Do When Speaking to Have "Presence" The 10 principles you should follow to communicate with presence and power are: 1. Speak decisively/ conclusively . To Avoid words like “maybe”, “kinda” or making things you believe strongly about sound like questions. Instead, when you speak, speak clearly – either ask a direct question or state your opinion. That’s fine if you don't have a clear view of something yet? – ask more questions and listen more. But, when your mind is set up, speak without any qualifiers. 2. Back it up. Then, take the next step of explaining why you believe that way after announcing your view. Here, F ocus on why you believe your solution is the best rather than don’t spend too much time on the negative, as in why other alternatives won’t work. 3. Respond when challenged. Respond to their valid counter arguments with your own reasoning when someone challenges...