Phrases You Should Absolutely Never Say at Work

16 Phrases You Should Absolutely Never Say at Work 1. "It's not fair." She/He got a raise, you didn’t. He was recognized, you weren’t. “Some people have food to eat while others starve.” “Injustices happen on the job and in the world every day. Whether it’s a troubling issue at work or a serious problem for the planet, the point in avoiding this phrase is to be protective approximately issue versus complaining, or more regrettable, inactively crying.” Instead, report the actualities, construct a case and show an brilliantly contention to the individual or gather who can assist you. 2. “That’s not my job.” When it’s used: Someone asks you for help for a task that is outside of your core job description and you don’t really want to do. Rather than spend some time helping or just saying no, you say this instead. And immediately regret it. What people hear when you say it: “I’m out for myself only.” A better option : I...