
Showing posts with the label how to right way

Yoga vs GYM. Which one is better?

Intense weight training or Yoga? This a question that leaves many fitness enthusiasts clueless. If your goal is to get lean, build muscle, and boost your physical and mental performance, both of these are great options. Benefits   of Doing Yoga: Therapeutic and de-stresses the mind and body Easy to pick up for beginners Requires just a yoga mat for practice Improves joint flexibility and mobility Stimulates positive thinking and mental relaxation. Yoga helps with back pain relief Yoga benefits heart health. Numerous studies show yoga’s benefits in arthritis, osteopenia, balance issues, oncology, women’s health, chronic pain and other specialties. Benefits of Weight Training( Gym): Boosts your blood circulation and purges toxins from the blood. Burns plenty of calories and helps you lose weight. Stresses your body and pushes it to perform at higher limits. Keeps you healthy and disciplined and prevents the onset of several medical conditions. Increases Bone Density. Improves Body Co...

10 Effective Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout

Smart, Simple and Effective Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout These tips will surely get you motivated to start with some workout regime for sure! All you need to do is change your strategy and motivate yourself to make your goal to be fit turn into reality. 1. Strategies your fitness goals once again: Just having a goal doesn’t mean you can attain it. If you keep asking yourself, ‘how will I get motivated’, you are already heading towards the wrong direction. You can’t motivate yourself unless you try and hit the taste what it is like to work out in the first place. You need to have a clear goal, just saying you want certain kind of body doesn’t help. Fitness has more to do with a sentiment of achieving overall fitness. Remember it is more than just about losing those extra pounds.  Once you are there, you will feel so much better just in the fact that you make the effort to get there. But first, find your identity. It can be gyming, kick-boxing, Cross fit training, a...

How to solve problems?

Why should you care about problem-solving? Problem solving is one of the most important skills in life and work. At an early age, we learn to deal with simple problems, big and small. From our first wobbly steps, where we solve the problem of balancing on two ridiculously small feet at the end of our limbs, to figuring out the right shaped block to go in the right shaped hole - the round block goes in the round hole, of course, of course! Humans are natural problem solvers. At least when it comes to figuring out how to navigate the physical world. As we grow, our lives become more complex. Problems move from the purely physical to include the theoretical; different kinds of problems created by our modern digital world. Physical problem-solving skills are intuitively learned as infants and children, similar to art skills where there is a certain freedom. However, as we get older, we tend to be more risk averse and feel there is just one elusive answer to the problems we face, if on...

Four goals of agile documentation

Documentation is a vast area. It can be done in lots of different mediums, describing  many different aspects of software for various stakeholders. Here, we focus on how  developers can use high-level documentation to communicate inside a team, and with  direct stakeholders. All of these are things that can complement the documentation  already provided by code, scripts, and tests. 1. Create a common understanding I often catch myself working under the assumption that everybody on the team has the  same understanding of what we are doing. “Surely the view of the architecture in my  head is clear to everybody?” That would imply we don’t have to write these  seemingly obvious things down or have a sketch on the wall. This is a fallacy that, especially more tenured developers on the team are prone to. Architecture show-and-tell To verify how accurate our assumptions about common understanding really are, you  need to get each team member ...

Surprising Health Benefits of Being an Introvert

Introverts are usually born the way they are. However, our upbringing and childhood experiences like teasing or bullying or being forced to be like others can lead to social anxiety and make us find peace in solitude. But not all introverts are similar. We are all different people and we all behave in a specific way even though we share some similar characteristic traits. In a world where extroverts are celebrated and rewarded, being an introvert may seem like a disadvantage. Extroverts get all the attention, opportunities and fun. Extroverts become popular and are good at pleasing people which provides them better opportunities to succeed in life. Meanwhile, as an introvert you may get ignored and your effort and work may go unnoticed. But don’t be disheartened. Just because you are an introvert, it doesn’t mean you can’t be successful cause you prefer solitude over noise. In fact, there are many benefits of being an introvert. There are many successful introverts who are...