
Showing posts with the label capability

10 Effective Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout

Smart, Simple and Effective Ways To Motivate Yourself To Workout These tips will surely get you motivated to start with some workout regime for sure! All you need to do is change your strategy and motivate yourself to make your goal to be fit turn into reality. 1. Strategies your fitness goals once again: Just having a goal doesn’t mean you can attain it. If you keep asking yourself, ‘how will I get motivated’, you are already heading towards the wrong direction. You can’t motivate yourself unless you try and hit the taste what it is like to work out in the first place. You need to have a clear goal, just saying you want certain kind of body doesn’t help. Fitness has more to do with a sentiment of achieving overall fitness. Remember it is more than just about losing those extra pounds.  Once you are there, you will feel so much better just in the fact that you make the effort to get there. But first, find your identity. It can be gyming, kick-boxing, Cross fit training, a...

The Surprising Benefits of Being an Introvert!

here are a lot of misconceptions about introverts like that they’re antisocial, unfriendly, shy or lonely. But in many cases, being an introvert can actually be an asset. Introverts are people who get their energy from spending time alone, according to Dr. Jennifer Kahnweiler, author of The Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength. “It’s kind of like a battery they recharge,” she says. “And then they can go out into the world and connect really beautifully with people.” A 2008 study published in the Journal of Motor Behavior found that introverts take a longer time to process information than extroverts. Kahnweiler says this is actually because they process more thoughtfully than extroverts do they take extra time to understand ideas before moving on to new ones. While we’re all often flooded with messages that we need to speak up and stand out in order to be successful, introverts can actually achieve even more if they hone their natural strengths, says Beth B...


1)  What Am I Capable of? What am I capable of?
 I mean really… what am I TRULY CAPABLE OF?  You see… the bar is always moving… Every time you reach the next level you GROW… and every time you GROW… your potential changes. It’s NEVER ENDING… YOUR GROWTH is unlimited in EVERY AREA. 2)  Lone Wolf The wolf on the top of the hill
 is never as hungry as the wolf climbing the hill. It’s not easy going it alone. But if you KEEP GOING, stay true to yourself… it will be worth it in the end. STAY STRONG. KEEP GOING. So don’t give in. Don’t settle. Don’t lower your expectations to fit into the world. 3)  Are You STRONG Alone? Success can be a lonely road. 

It can be a tough road. It can be a hard road. It’s certainly not for everyone… Those who follow others like sheep will never know who they truly are. Only those who follow their own path can discover the truth of their own potential. People love those who have the GUTS to b...