How should Leaders are spend their Day?

A Day With Leader. The leader 's responsibilities are not too different from any other developer on the team. In fact, if you’ve been working as a software developer for a few years, chances are you’ve filled the role of tech lead/ team leader at some point. Perhaps not officially, but most of us have, at anytime, called the shots on important pieces of work or been the go-to person on a particular project. Most ‘true’ leaders are “de facto” tech leads- leaders in all senses of the word, but without the fancy title. In teams that contain few people who satisfied different meanings of the tech lead/team lead role, with one who excelling at organization and big vision, another at right execution and day-to-day engineering, and another at better architecture, teaching, or getting stuff deployed smoothly. What does day look like? With wearing a leader’s crown, This is good for the team, but it adds challenges to scheduling time due to much of day is interrupt-driven wit...